Avoid overdraft fees with an Overdraft Protection Line of Credit. A little mistake shouldn’t cost big bucks. With overdraft protection, you can breathe easier.
We offer comprehensive package of services that includes a selection of free services to put you in control of your finances.
All accounts subject to approval. Restrictions and limitations apply. Other miscellaneous fees may apply. Visit with a Customer Service Representative for details.
¹Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is based on the current Federal Fund Interest Rate minus 4.00%. The minimum interest rate the account can earn is 0.10% APY. The maximum interest rate that account can earn is 1.50% APY. No interest will be paid on account balances over $7.5 million. Interest is compounded daily and credited to the account monthly. Rates are subject to change without notice after account opening. Please contact a Customer Service Represenetative for further details.
²Minimum to open the account is $500.00.